Summer and winter weather extremes can cause discomfort in your home for you and your family if your heating and cooling system is not up to task. That discomfort eventually leads to reduced savings and costs from your wallet to fix the issue. If this scenario sounds familiar to you or if you just want to get the best bang for your buck, you may be a perfect candidate for a ductless heat pump.

“Many older single-family homes still rely on costly cable ceiling heat, wall heaters or electric forced-air furnaces in winter and separate air conditioning in the summer.” Owners are likely spending much more than they need on both heating and cooling.

Ductless heat pumps do it all by improving comfort and control within the home environment because they handle both heating and cooling. However, weatherizing your home is very important to ensure your heating and cooling improvements are not in vein.

Ductless heat pumps are excellent and provide several benefits:

  • They are small and take up little space.
  • Very quiet fans reduce the noise common to other heating systems.
  • Built-in air filters improve indoor air quality.
  • Eliminates loss of heat as the air travels through ductwork.
  • Easier to install and less intrusive

Ductless heat pumps use an outdoor compressor-condenser and an indoor air handling “head” mounted on a wall in your home. Together they move conditioned air, either warm or cool, throughout the living space. Most households without ductless lose 20 to 30 percent of heat through ducts.

Being in the Midwest, we experience all sorts of extreme and unexpected weather conditions throughout the year, so it only makes sense to be prepared as best as possible when that weather hits. Having a ductless heat pump is the best option for heating and cooling when it comes to you, your family, and your home all-year round. In addition to going ductless, here some additional tips to help savings go up and costs go down. Here

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