The indoor air that we breathe is extremely important. While we rightfully focus on the outdoor contaminants and pollution that can lower the quality of the outdoor air. But sometimes it feels like we forget the air we breathe inside our homes needs to be clean, too.

When we neglect our indoor air quality, the effects can be immediate. Slight exposure to any pollutant can irritate eyes, nose, or throat. More prolonged exposure can cause fatigue and lead to more severe complications.

If you are looking to improve your home’s air quality, the first place to start is with the HVAC system. Your system circulates air throughout your entire home and if not being properly filtered, all the pollutants too.

The majority of homes have a ducted HVAC system. Still, this article will cover the differences between ducted and ductless systems when it comes to your home’s indoor air quality.

The major problem with ducted HVAC systems is in the name. Ducts are expensive to install, maintenance is difficult, and not designed to enhance indoor air quality.

Since maintenance can be difficult, many families neglect cleaning the ductwork. Many contaminants can hide inside the ducts, and when you turn the air on, boom. Ducts also have the burden of breaking down over time, and leaks can happen. This is a widespread occurrence throughout many homes and is likely a case in yours too.

But there is some hope, and it comes in the form of a ductless mini-split system. Ductless systems do not have all the issues that ducted systems have. So right away, no maintenance costs, no pollutants sneaking in your air, and no leaks.

Ductless systems are flexible when it comes to installation. They push air directly from the unit, so there is a minimal chance pollutants can build up or even blow through the air. Ductless systems are very energy efficient, so you can do your part to help the environment and your wallet.

Ductless mini-splits are an excellent choice, especially for homes in the Midwest. In the Lake of the Ozarks, ductless mini-splits can be very productive during those scorching summer months and will handle all your demands. If you are wanting more information about a ductless system or have any general HVAC questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. We are more than happy to help!

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