Most individuals associate their HVAC system as a necessary expense to feel comfortable. Spring time is the perfect time of the year to get your HVAC services done. Granted it costs money to run the system all year-round, but what if I told you that it could cost you less if you did a little bit extra this year.

When your HVAC system runs and peak efficiency, it puts less strain on the system, which costs less to run and reduces the chances of a break down. Just putting filters in routinely helps, but that is not good enough alone. You need an HVAC professional to ensure your system is running perfect all the time, every time.

Where Most Expenses Come From

The whole point of your HVAC system is to move air around your home and transfer heat inside and outside of your home. Over time a system will lose efficiency by not moving the air effectively. This will reflect directly into your energy bill because your system is working harder and longer to achieve the same result. If systems continue to lose efficiency, they will start needing minor repairs and eventually major repairs which all equal more money.

What you can do to mitigate

Proper cleaning is the frontline of reducing system efficiency. You can hire a professional to clean it or look into doing the cleaning yourself. Follow these steps when cleaning:

  • Clean the circulating fan – collects dust, which creates stress on the system
  • Inspect the heat exchanger – make sure proper flow is not obstructed or dirty
  • Inspect the outside condenser coil – gets dirty and clogs, make sure it’s clean all-around

For additional information click here

Hire a technician to inspect your system

Look, sometimes you cannot do everything yourself when it comes to your home and that’s okay. HVAC technicians are cool and good at what they do, so having one inspect your system annually can really be beneficial for everyone. Many of the parts in the system are interdependent and once one slacks, the others temporarily pick that slack up. Eventually, the system cannot function properly and will ultimately lead to repairs or system replacement. Having a service done ensures everything is working properly and paired with cleaning, ensures maximum savings.

Remember the cost of service and cleanings is negligible compared to repairs and replacements, that is FACT. Get a head start on your cleaning and services today!

If you are in the Lake of the Ozarks area or Kansas City Missouri area give us a call. We will be happy to answer all your questions and concerns. 


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